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Diabetes YOU by Dr. Rohm

This is YOU, information to help you understand and control diabetes.

Ideal You - Diabetes

This is your Ideal YOU - Diabetes Scorecard

Dr. Rohm wants you to know what it is your doctor is trying to do with all the medications. Get educated. It's Your Health - Own IT!

As a diabetic, you should what each of these items is used for, so that you can manage yourself with the help of your doctor.

Diabetes definition: A1c level > 6.5%, fasting blood glucose level of > than 125 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L), or 2 hours test sugar level > 200mg/dL or ramdom blood glucose level of > 200 mg/dL(11.1mmol/L)

YOU Ideal YOU (Goals) Recommendations
A1c Level Less than 7.0 Dropping by 1 point can lower your heart attack risk by about 15 % and eye/kidney damage by as much as 30%. See your doctor every 3 months until this is at goal.
Systolic Blood Pressure (top) Less than 130 Keeping you blood pressure under control (less than 130/70) cuts your death rate by 50%
Diastolic Blood Pressure (bottom) Less than 70 Keeping you blood pressure under control (less than 130/70) cuts your death rate by 50%
Weight Your ideal weight Weight loss can reduce your blood pressure, lower your blood sugars, lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, raises good (HDL) cholesterol and can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke
LDL (bad) Cholesterol Less than 100 Your risk of death is improved by greater than 50% if this goal is met. Medications, daily vigorous exercise and weight loss all lower your LDL.
HDL (good) Cholesterol Greater than 50 Good cholesterol prevent build up in the arteries. Medications and exercise can raise your good cholesterol.
Urine Microalbumin Less than 30 This measures kidney damange, keep it low and prevent the onset of kidney failure and dialysis. Your doctor will put you on mediations that will prevent and slow this progression.
Date of last Foot Exam Yearly, but you should check daily Your doctor should check yearly, and sometimes send you to a podiatrist for more testing. Nerve damage from high blood sugars kills nerves and that leads to amputated feet.
Date of last Eye Exam Every Year Elevated blood sugar can mess up the small blood vessels in your eyes and cause blindness. See the eye doctor, your regular doctor can't test for small damage in the eyes, but the specialist can check.
Daily Aspirin Daily Diabetes attacks small blood vessels and increases your risk of a heart attack, a daily aspirin can help reduce those risks. You can take a baby or a regular aspirin - just take something.

About Me

Yeah, it?s me! Trevor Rohm, MD
Board Certified in Family Practice
Experience with inpatients, outpatient, ER, Urgent Care and Biomedical Informatics

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